Documenting jinja templates

This contrib extension, jinja_autodoc, provides a Sphinx domain for describing jinja templates.

This package is available on PyPI as jinja-autodoc.

In order to use it, add jinja_autodoc into extensions list of your Sphinx configuration file (

extensions = ['jinja_autodoc']

Basic usage

There are several provided directives that describe jinja templates.

.. jinja:template:: /etc/network/interfaces

   Template for network config

   :param hostname: your computer's hostname
   :type hostname: str
   :param ip: your computer's ip
   :type ip: str

will be rendered as:

TEMPLATE /etc/network/interfaces

Template for network config

  • hostname (str) – your computer’s hostname

  • ip (str) – your computer’s ip

Automatic documentation

The autotemplate directive generates Jinja reference documentation from a start comment in jinja template. Basicly it just takes docstring between {# and #} and inserts it where you specified autotemplate directive.

To make everything work you also have to specify relative or absolute path to your templates. If this option is not specified templates won’t be displayed in your documentation. You can do this by setting jinja_template_path in your Sphinx configuration ( file.

For example, considering this template:
This is a sample template

:param param1: This is sample input parameter to this template
:type param1: str

the following documentation:

.. autotemplate::

will be rendered as:


This is a sample template

  • param1 (str) – This is sample input parameter to this template

If the path is a directory, all the templates inside this directory will be rendered. To restrict the discovery to a subset of files, you can use the jinja_template_pattern to set a pattern to recognize template filenames.

jinja_template_pattern = r"\.html$"


.. jinja:template:: path

Describes an jinja template.

.. jinja:autotemplate:: path

Reads the first comment of a file and dynamically builds a Jinja documentation. If the path is a directory, the templates in the directory will be documented.

Author and License

The project was originally written by Jaka Hudoklin, and then forked and maintained by Yaal Coop and distributed under BSD license.